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2021. 1. 12. 22:44카테고리 없음

The SSH configuration file on your Mac controls how secure shell, aka SSH, operates. It can be used for simple alternations, like changing the ssh port on your devices, can often eliminate a huge number of ssh “cold calls” on your machine, the ssh configuration file can do much more than that. Mac miller songs download free.

  1. Ssh For Mac
  2. Mac Ssh Terminal Client
  3. Download File Ssh Terminal Mac Command
  4. Download File Ssh Terminal Mac Os

Using the built-in SSH client in Mac OS X. Mac OS X includes a command-line SSH client as part of the operating system. To use it, goto Finder, and selext Go - Utilities from the top menu. Then look for Terminal. Terminal can be used to get a local terminal window, and also supports SSH. In the Terminal app on your Mac, use the scp command to copy a file or folder to or from a remote computer. Scp uses the same underlying protocols as ssh. For example, to copy a compressed file from your home folder to another user’s home folder on a remote server.

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Where is the SSH configuration file?

On macOS systems, the configuration file is found at “/private/etc/ssh/ssh_config,” which is symlinked to “/etc/ssh/ssh_config” for compatibility.

A second, user-specific ssh_config is found at “~/.ssh/ssh_config.” If it exists, this file supersedes the system-wide configuration file. This file sets user-specific options without changing the system’s configuration.

Going forward, we will refer to this configuration file as “ssh_config” for clarity and simplicity. You can edit whichever one is better suited to your purposes.

What is the ssh_config file and what does ssh_config do?

The ssh_config file is used to control how secure shell, better known as the ssh terminal command, operates on your system. The ssh configuration file is organized by hosts. Each host contains specific settings for that host. Wildcards like * can be used to match multiple hostnames with a single declaration.

Options are declared using a key/definition pair. A detailed explanation of each key’s functionality can be found on the ssh_config man page. We will cover the most relevant collection of changes below.

Editing the ssh_config file

To edit the ssh_config file, open a Terminal window and edit the file with your preferred text editor. We will use nano in this demo, but vi or emacs can be used instead.

Hardening your SSH configuration

Confirm SSH Protocol 2

By default, SSH should use Protocol 2, the more secure protocol. The older protocol, aptly named Protocol 1, works with a weaker integrity check and is generally less secure.

However, older systems may request Protocol 1. To explicitly set the stronger protocol, use the following in your ssh_config:

You can also implicitly set your protocol by using Ciphers. This will automatically set Protocol to 2.

Disallow empty password

This key bans logging in to the ssh system without using a password, effectively requiring all users to set passwords. Change AllowEmptyPassword to No.

Disallow root login

Prohibiting root login will dramatically reduce the damage that an attacker can do to your system. However, it might make your job a little harder, depending on what you need to do. Options for PermitRootLogin include “yes,” “without-password,” “forced-commands-only,” or “no.” The default is “yes.”

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Change the ssh port number

Changing the port used by ssh can help you avoid simple attacks on your server. While this won’t work against an attacker scanning for open ports, it can reduce the number of automated dial-ins you get. Before setting a new port, ensure it’s not used by any other program or service.

The default SSH port is port 22. To adjust the port, edit the main ssh daemon at “/etc/ssh/sshd_config.” You’ll want to add a new line specifying the port following the syntax Port XXXXX.

Restrict access to specific users

If you have multiple people who access your server, you may want to restrict the use of ssh altogether. These tools allow you to restrict SSH use to specific users: DenyUsers, AllowUsers, DenyGroups, and AllowGroups. Each line supersedes the last, so think about order carefully.

Customizing SSH Configurations

Creating aliases

You can simplify commonly-used SSH commands with aliases. Like bash aliases, these allow you to replace a long command with a short string.

For example, the following alias allows the user to connect to the dev server with the specified options simply by typing ssh dev at the command line.

This runs the following command when executed:

Authentication with secure keypairs

SSH is more secure and convenient when used with public/private keypairs for authentication, rather than passwords. The ssh_config file can declare a specific key for a specific host using the IdentityFile key.

As in the previous examples, this SSH command with be run with ssh dev, executing the following command-line equivalent command:


Most of the ssh_config options exist to provide more convenient ways to perform specific tasks using the ssh command. It’s a way to configure complex aliases and shortcuts that helps increase security by making the more secure parts of ssh easier to use.

If you’re interested in improving your Terminal skills, you might be interested in the following posts:

Pro Terminal Commands: Customize Terminal on macOS

Pro Terminal Commands: Working with Awk

Pro Terminal Commands: Editing bash_profile

The world is quickly filling up with smarter people who search for smarter ways to work. In this world of smarter brains, working on multiple locations from a single place is a small thing. Many professionals are using remote login protocols to work on multiple machines right from their notebooks. Modern Mac books come with SSH pre-installed but not enabled by default. But you can enable SSH on Mac from the terminal quite easily.

SSH (Secure Shell) is an encrypted remote login protocol used to connect to remote machines over the network. This protocol encrypts communication from an end-to-end server and client machines. SSH protocol is preinstalled by default in all modern Macbooks but the daemon is disabled by default. Mac users can simply enable SSH on Mac using simple terminal commands. You can enable SSH on all versions of macOS and Mac OS X by using the below tutorial.

Check SSH status on Mac

Before we start, let’s check the current status of SSH on your Macbook. You can do this by using the system setup command below:

sudo systemsetup -getremotelogin

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If the remote login and SSH is currently enabled, the output will say “Remote Login: On” If SSH is disabled, it will say “Remote Login: Off”.

How to Enable SSH on Mac from Terminal

Mac Ssh Terminal Client

  1. Open the terminal on your Mac.
  2. You need administration privileges to enable SSH on your Macbook. Use the below system setup command to enable SSH on Mac:
  3. There won’t be any confirmation message for the above command. So, you need to check the SSH status using the “getremotelogin” command:
  4. Now you can remote login to another machine using its IP address:
  5. You need to provide authentication of the user “technastic” on the machine “”

Download File Ssh Terminal Mac Command

How to Disable SSH on Mac from Terminal

Download File Ssh Terminal Mac Os

If you feel that you no longer use SSH on your machine, then you can simply turn it off to avoid unauthorized access. You can simply disable SSH on your Mac using the below command:

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You’ll be asked for confirmation to disable the SSH “Do you really want to turn remote login off? If you do, you will lose this connection and can only turn it back on locally on the server (yes/no)?” Type “yes” to confirm.

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